DGST Digital Signature
A Class 2 Digital Signature Certificate is essential for any organization seeking an Import or an Export License that needs to be registered in the name of one representative authorized to represent the organization. DGST Digital Signature can only be issued to an organization with ONLY Signing Certificate.
DGST Class 2 Digital signatures issued by Certifying Authorities (CAs) issue DSC for electronic authentication of users. The Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA) has been appointed by Central Government under section 17 of the Act for purposes of the IT Act.
Documents Required for DGST Class 2 DSC:-
Applicant Details:
*Applicant name
*Applicant PAN Number
*Mobile number
* Email id
* Nationality
Organization Details:-
* Organization name
* IEC code along with branch code
* Organization Pan Card
* Bank Account (2 pages)
* ITR (1 page) [In case of Partnership, LLP, NGO, TRUST]
* Partnership Deed/Agreement/ Trust deed [In case of Partnership, LLP, NGO, TRUST]
* Certificate Of Incorporation & MoA, AoA [In case of LLP, NGO/ TRUST,CORPORATE ENTITIES]
* Organization ID Proof of Signatory
Digital signatures can be used to authenticate the source of messages.
We would be happy to discuss the project with you in person